Kimai for Self Hosted Time Tracking

Kimai for Self Hosted Time Tracking
Kimai screenshot

Kimai is a powerful and flexible time tracking solution that can help your business manage time and resources more effectively. Whether you're a small business owner or managing a large team, Kimai has the tools you need to keep track of your customers, projects, activities and time.

Self hosted Kimai screencast

One of the standout features of Kimai is its flexibility. You can customize the application to fit your specific needs. From configuring timesheet settings to adding custom fields, Kimai allows you to tailor the platform to your business requirements. For example, if you run a digital marketing agency, you can create projects for each client campaign, track the time spent on different activities like content creation, SEO, and social media management, and generate reports to analyze the efficiency and profitability of each campaign.

Kimai also offers powerful reporting features. Go to the 'Reports' section. Here, you can generate detailed reports based on your time entries. Select the date range, projects, activities, and users you want to include in the report. You can then view it on screen or export it as a PDF or Excel file for further analysis. All time entries can be exported to CSV, Excel or PDF. It's also easy to generate PDF invoices based on the time entries in Kimai.

Happy time tracking!

Formable's Kimai Portainer stack docker-compose.yml

    image: mysql:8.3
      - mysql:/var/lib/mysql
      - MYSQL_DATABASE=kimai
      - MYSQL_USER=kimaiuser
      - MYSQL_PASSWORD=kimaipassword
      - MYSQL_ROOT_PASSWORD=changemeplease
    command: --default-storage-engine innodb
    restart: unless-stopped
      test: mysqladmin -p$$MYSQL_ROOT_PASSWORD ping -h localhost
      interval: 20s
      start_period: 10s
      timeout: 10s
      retries: 3

    image: kimai/kimai2:apache
      - data:/opt/kimai/var/data
      - 18001:8001
      - ADMINPASS=kimaiadminpassword
      - "DATABASE_URL=mysql://kimaiuser:kimaipassword@sqldb/kimai?charset=utf8mb4&serverVersion=8.3.0"
      - TRUSTED_HOSTS=nginx,localhost,,
    restart: unless-stopped


Managed Self Hosted Kimai

Formable sets up, monitors and updates your cloud applications.

Formable installs Kimai at your own subdomain, for example:
Free Let's Encrypt certificate setup and renewal with certbot.
We monitor your application subdomain with Formable's Uptime Kuma server.
Formable updates your application and checks for any breaking changes.
Formable configures Kopia to take incremental snapshots of your application data and files to AWS S3.
Formable starts you on our Mailgun SMTP server for email notification delivery. We can then get you setup with your own Mailgun account and subdomain, so you can track deliverability.
Formable resolves any application downtime issues and supports your team.