Self host Min-IO for private cloud S3-compatible storage and backups

Self host Min-IO for private cloud S3-compatible storage and backups
Min-IO screenshot

Min-IO, an open-source object storage solution that's perfect for small businesses looking to self host their data efficiently. Min-IO provides an Amazon Web Services S3-compatible API, making it a versatile choice for businesses that need a reliable storage platform that can be deployed on public or private clouds.

self hosted Min-IO screencast

Imagine a small business that needs to ensure all its critical data is backed up securely. With Min-IO, you can achieve this seamlessly. Let’s take a look at how Min-IO can be utilized for efficient incremental backups, ensuring data safety and accessibility.

Whether it’s server data backed up by Kopia or workstation data backed up by Backrest, Min-IO provides a flexible and scalable storage solution that grows with your business needs. Formable makes it easy with setup and support so you don't have to worry about the technical details of your self hosted backup plan.

Thank you for watching this introduction to Min-IO. We hope you see how Min-IO can be an integral part of your small business's data management strategy, providing peace of mind and reliability without licensing fees and dedicated IT resources.

Formable's Min-IO Portainer stack docker-compose.yml

    image: minio/minio
    command: server /data --console-address ":9001"
    restart: unless-stopped
      - MINIO_ROOT_USER=yourusername
      - MINIO_ROOT_PASSWORD=yourpassword
      - minio_data:/data
      - 9002:9000
      - 9003:9001


Managed Self Hosted Min-IO

Formable sets up, monitors and updates your cloud applications.

Formable installs Min-IO at your own subdomain, for example:
Free Let's Encrypt certificate setup and renewal with certbot.
We monitor your application subdomain with Formable's Uptime Kuma server.
Formable updates your application and checks for any breaking changes.
Formable configures Kopia to take incremental snapshots of your application data and files to AWS S3.
Formable starts you on our Mailgun SMTP server for email notification delivery. We can then get you setup with your own Mailgun account and subdomain, so you can track deliverability.
Formable resolves any application downtime issues and supports your team.