Monitoring with Uptime Kuma

A self hosted instance of Uptime Kuma is all it takes to track when any website or link goes down on the web.

Monitoring with Uptime Kuma
Uptime Kuma screenshot

A self hosted instance of Uptime Kuma is all it takes to track when any website or link goes down on the web. Combined with the Ntfy self hosted notification server and mobile app you can stay alerted of any changes. Choose to receive emails with Formable's Mailgun SMTP or your own.

Uptime Kuma demo hosted by

Formable's Uptime Kuma Portainer stack docker-compose.yml

version: '3.3'

    image: louislam/uptime-kuma:latest
	container_name: uptime-kuma
	  - app_data:/app/data
	  - 10113:3001
	restart: always

Managed Self Hosted Uptime Kuma

Formable sets up, monitors and updates your cloud applications.

Formable installs Uptime Kuma at your own subdomain, for example:
Free Let's Encrypt certificate setup and renewal with certbot.
Formable updates your application and checks for any breaking changes.
Formable configures Kopia to take incremental snapshots of your application data and files to AWS S3.
Formable starts you on our Mailgun SMTP server for email notification delivery. We can then get you setup with your own Mailgun account and subdomain, so you can track deliverability.
Formable resolves any application downtime issues and supports your team.